Friday 11 April 2014

The love of sketching

I often lose site of the joy I get from being out in the landscape and putting pencil to paper or brush to canvas , the shear pleasure of trying to capture that moment in time , the fleeting inspiration of the passing kingfisher or Red Kite ,
This week another artist David Cowdry and myself spent the day on the banks of the river Towy in the upper Towy valley , and I must confess that it was a real shot in the arm that I needed, the fresh damp air rolling clouds with flashes of warm sunlight that illuminates the green mossy banks like someone turning on a massive halogen lamp,
I love these wooded banks with interesting overhanging trees draped in blankets of ivy and moss, twisted and knarled branches making ideal perches for the jewel of the river the Kingfisher, 

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