Art drives me to the point of despair , the compulsion to pick up a pencil or paintbrush can at times be such a torturous undertaking , I know what I want to do but I can't bring myself to do it, a constant battle , yes battle I suppose a comparison can manifest itself in the shoes of a military commander looking to establish a beach head before the invasion, it's getting that first mark on the canvas or paper then the rest will follow and hopefully gather momentum,
I know that I should draw more it offers a release and spitanious reaction to my immediate surroundings and the artistic license to manipulate that reality can result in some pleasing results ,
Sketch books really do offer an insight into an artists soul and thought processes, whether it be a loose line drawing or highly detailed study , so I am compelled now to share with a wider audience my drawings under the title 'Latest Scribbles ' heading
I hope that I can through this series of posts show on paper the inspiration that fuels my artistic engine