Friday, 31 July 2015

A troubled path

Its been quite a while since i finished the chapel ceiling restoration project, that was my last post,since then i have been trying to get back to the easel to produce some fresh new work, well that was the intention instead it was like hitting a brick wall i just couldn't get the creative juices going again no matter how hard i tried, i didn't realise how much the last 8 months had taken its toll,
i tried many times to get back into the studio to no avail, In desperation i confided in a colleague about my predicament and she kindly purchased a book from Amazon by an American artist Carol Marine who had experienced the same creative block and had found a solution by completing small paintings in a day and called her book 'Dailey Painting',
It was quite refreshing to read , and nice to know that i'm not the only one, indeed i saw myself i much of her writing,
I am happy to report that, its worked all be it slowly, but im back working on some small pieces,
i shall post some pictures in the next blog