Sunday, 21 September 2014

Autumn nip

September is rolling on , and unfortunately I'm stuck inside restoring a chapel ceiling, still I do get to appreciate the lovely weather we are having at the moment watching the subtle hues of ochre and Naples yellow taking hold of the Dap green foliage,
The hedgerows are still full of fruit, an observation by some of our older members of our community is it's a sign of a hard winter to come, we shall see eh!!
I'm eager to get out with my sketchbook and camera to capture some inspirational images, 

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Chapel Ceiling

Making good progress cleaning the ceiling I'm about half way across, it's quite a job to be honest, with 5 different processes , hoping to get the majority done by next Wednesdays site meeting with the architect,
Monday i shall be contacting the specialist paint suppliers in London to liaise with them regarding colour matching,
Tomorrow I shall be doing some stencil trials to get my technique sorted on how I'm going to approach restoring some of the delicate leaf design 

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Chapel ceiling

Well I am just getting into working on site at possibly my largest commission to date, working on restoring this amazing painted ceiling , I didn't realize how large the area was until I got up on the scaffold, which in itself is a work of art, I take my hat off to them , it's erected at a perfect working Height and a complete coverage of all the working area, reassuring when you are 60ft above the pews!!
Initially I will be cleaning the whole ceiling area while the moulding contractors manufacture replacement moulding for a large area in the east corner which should take approximately a month, 
Once I have the ceiling cleaned I will them move on to tracing some of the stenciling to be repaired and restored,
Paint samples will be sent off to a specialist conservation paint suppliers in London for colour matching